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Addysgu bwyd mewn ysgolion cynradd: pam, beth a sut (Cymraeg)


Teaching Courses


Cwrs i athrawon ysgolion cynradd yng Nghymru

Course not yet started.

Bwyd mewn Ysgolion
45 minutes
Cyflwyno’r dull hyfforddi ar-lein a’r dogfennau allweddol sydd yn cefnogi addysgu bwyd mewn ysgolion.
Tarddiad bwyd
55 minutes
Archwilio o lle mae bwyd yn dod a rhai o’r prosesau ynghlwm â chynhyrchu bwyd.
Bwyta’n iach
60 minutes
Archwilio’r Canllaw Bwyta’n Dda, ei grwpiau bwyd, negeseuon allweddol a’i ddefnydd
60 minutes
Cyflwyno egni, maethynnau, ffeibr a dŵr a’r gwahanol ofynion maeth trwy gydol oes.
Maeth Cymhwysol
30 minutes
Defnyddio gwybodaeth maeth i gynllunio a pharatoi prydau bwyd sydd yn cyfrannu at ddeiet iach amrywiol.
Diogelwch bwyd
60 minutes
Ystyried a rheoli diogelwch bwyd a hylendid yn yr ystafell ddosbarth.
60 minutes
Rheoli a pharatoi’r ystafell ddosbarth, adnoddau a disgyblion ar gyfer gwersi bwyd ymarferol, diogel ac ystyrlon.
45 minutes
Cynllunio dull blaengar, ysgol gyfan tuag at fwyd.

Complete the course to access the final assessment.

Course details

This course has been specifically created for initial and practising primary school teachers. It is based on the requirements of the National Curriculum (England), the government's Core competences for children and young people aged 5 to 16 years and guidance to support primary school teachers deliver food teaching in schools (Food in primary schools: a framework of knowledge and skills).

A course is also available for primary schools in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

This course covers:

  • Module 1: Food in schools
  • Module 2: Food origins
  • Module 3: Healthy eating
  • Module 4: Nutrition
  • Module 5: Applied nutrition
  • Module 6: Food safety
  • Module 7: Cooking
  • Module 8: Teaching

Each module includes a short test, providing you with feedback on your progress. 

On successful completion of a final assessment, a personalised BNF certificate is created. (The final assessment may be repeated).

The course will take approximately 5-7 hours to complete. You can complete the course at your own pace – there is no time limit.

Your views are important to us and we welcome any feedback you would like to send. You can contact us by email



BNF is grateful to the following organisations which have supported the staff time to develop this course: Agriculture Horticulture Development Board, Associated British Foods, Kellogg's, Ingredion UK Limited, M&S, Morrisons, nabim and Warburtons. The content has been developed by BNF alone.




Certification details

At the end of this course you will receive a personalised certificate of completion from the British Nutrition Foundation. 

For professional development purposes, this course supports: